Tag: hot tub cleaning

Foamy, Milky, and Cloudy Hot Tub Water

When it comes to owning a hot tub, all owners will experience foamy, milky, or cloudy water at some point. There is no need to worry, there is a solution for every spa problem and Coast Spas is here to help. In the following article, we will first describe...

The Zen of Spa Maintenance

A Hot Tub is your social hub of the house, a bubble where television and phones don’t exist, so you can catch up with friends and family. It’s also your fortress of solitude, a place where you can unwind from the stresses of the day and power up for...

How to Winterize Your Hot Tub Quickly and Easily

If you haven’t looked or been outside lately, you may not have noticed that summer is over, and we are well into fall. Some meteorologists are predicting a Nor’easter for Quebec and the surrounding regions, and snow has already fallen in some of the Provinces already. This is just...